E. C. Brierfield
Cuban-American Adventure novelist
Jose Marti Library of Havana.
Havana Grand National Theater

An American Puppy in Havana
An anthology of six short stories
Cuban author E. C. Alzugaray's latest poignant and paranormal horror stories were inspired by events in his life. They range from biography and historical fiction to magic realism, and take place in Havana, Guantanamo, Detroit, New York City, Riverside, and a traveling circus.
Cult of Iona
Spirits of old and new worlds do battle for control of portal to ethereal realm
Cuba the Crocodile Island
The Cubans' conquest of the
Florida Strait
Revolutions, like crocodiles, eat their young. Five generations of Cubans have seen their lives wither as their island paradise languishes under adictator’s boot.
Those who refuse to burn their dreams on the altar of a failed political doctrine take to the sea.
The Florida Strait is a moat for those who stay, a bridge for those who cross it, or a tombstone for those who fail.
Crocodile Island chronicles dreams of freedom.
True Life Adventure
The Clan McGuire acquires vast power and wealth from the 12th Century throughout the Middle Ages and into the present day. Wars, pestilence, and the wrath of the Pope do not deter them. Their success is owed to a pact with diabolic underworld forces, sustained by periodic ritualistic human sacrifice.
In 1878, the Clan runs afoul of the English crown and establishes new headquarters in the untamed American West. Unbeknownst to the Clan, their chosen Rocky Mountain site has been sacred ground for Native Americans for millennia. A prolonged confrontation between good and evil ensues, lasting until the present day.
A Colorado man who is a gifted spiritualist unwittingly becomes entangled in the battle of the spirits, which suddenly threatens the life of his beloved daughter. Can a common man and his spirit guide ally with Native American ethereal beings and defeat the Devil?
Volume III in The Thunder Ridge Trilogy.
Historical Fiction
The Magnolias of Sutherland Creek
Music and Lust in Deadly Melody
World-famous jazz composer and performer Jonas Clermont returns to Louisiana to take possession of the haunted Sutherland Creek Plantation. He must dig up the bones of his father before others find them. In 1905 Louisiana, five-year-old Jonas watches the lynching of his great-grandfather William, a freed slave. The trauma renders Jonas mute for the next decade, until his innate ability to play the piano manifests. Jonas, a musical prodigy, succeeds despite prejudice and drug addiction. Hidden in Jonas’s past is an interracial affair that led to murder. That secret threatens his career, fame, and fortune. The solution to his predicament lies within the walls of his newly acquired mansion, but will the spirit living there allow it? The Magnolias of Sutherland Creek chronicles the parallel lives of the Clermont and Sutherland families from the dawn of the Civil War to 1960.
Historical Fiction
In My Other Body
Parallel universe threatens Earth
“I watched the victim convulse as if struck by lightning. Smoke rose from his scorched hair. Blood geysered from his carotid artery and splattered the brick wall. I ran away—I must warn everybody.”
* * *
Charles Evans, a New York City architect, and TV reporter Dora Reeves learn that unforeseen consequences of advanced technology have forced an alien race of incorporeal beings in a parallel universe to search for a new world. The aliens discover Earth. Although lacking weapons, they devise means to infiltrate human society in order to eradicate the people of Earth, by utilizing humans' fascination with electronic gadgets.The aliens experience human sex, love, and kindness. Could these emotions change their conquering ambitions? That is what the aliens' pre-eminent physicist, Professor Patrick O'Donnell, and human anthropologist Nichole Danvers must determine as their intimate relationship develops.Charles and Dora befriend Patrick and Nichole to search for a solution. Will they be able to save the future of both races?
Syfy Adventure
Harry's Fury
Restless ghost returns
Harry Brodick’s earthbound spirit is bent on revenge. The aging Scottish soldier of fortune seeks his murderers among the living. He harasses, his old enemies, his ambitious wife, and others.
Harry attempts to coerce Ken Barwick to help him with his vengeful plans. This causes Ken to develop psychic abilities to resist Harry’s influence.
Guided by Ken, Harry begins to recognize his ghostly nature and powers for good and evil. But faced with an opportunity for revenge, will Harry relapse and punish his murderers, or redeem his soul?
Volume II in The Thunder Ridge Trilogy.
Paranormal Adventure
First Short Story in my upcoming
Revised Anthology
Mario Hidalgo, an intellectually gifted, morbidly obese young man, moves to the countryside to escape the confinement of a suburban home.
He develops a magical connection with Mother Nature that makes him lethal to those who ridicule him.
Available only in KINDLE edition.
A Magical Realism Story
The Brodick Affair
The Life of Their Child Hangs on One Last Deal
Gunrunner Harry Brodick has left a trail of enemies from the Congo and Far East to Europe. He and his Vietnamese wife, Nan, seek an exit from their danger-filled existence and a way to safeguard their child.
Fashionable ski resort Thunder Ridge is a perfect spot for Harry, Nan, and Santos Aguilar to plan a deal off the radar, until Santos places a contract on Harry’s life. Also, Nan has a new lover, and they conspire to kill him.
The Brodick Affair is an international adventure with conspiracies, deception, lust, and murder.
Volume I of The Thunder Ridge Trilogy
A Mystery Adventure